Helping NHS Workers

8 November 2021

On BBC Spotlight recently there was an article that highlighted the plight of some NHS workers at Cornwall hospitals. They were either struggling to find affordable rental accommodation or, even worse, they were being evicted from the current rental property by their landlord.

Without these people, our NHS would fail. Having worked through nearly two years of a pandemic, having worked double, even triple, shifts to help people and now facing another winter when not only Covid-19 but influenza could strike, the last thing any of them should be worried about is…..


So, what can be done about it?

It’s quite simple really. We want to hear from new landlords who would be prepared to offer their rental properties at a slightly reduced rate, specifically, to NHS staff who work within The Royal Cornwall Hospitals Trust. To help new landlords, we will discount our management fees by 25% for the first twelve months.

Are you a sympathetic landlord? If you are, if this is something that resonates with you, then please contact us.

Homequest Lettings – 01872 222112

Camel Lettings – 01637 878708

This is an urgent situation. It cannot continue. If it does, we will lose valuable assets within the NHS.

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